anyways, i guess i'm spoiled by the U.S. coverage...because it usually has all this color commentary on the athletes life, their family, how they got there...some sort of documentary on their lives...the U.K. coverage however is BLANDO!!! nothing...just a bunch of brits talking about nothing special and then bits of silence...so, i know nothing about the athletes backgrounds which makes the watching a little less compelling...
nevermind the fact that its obviously all centered around "Team GB"...so, you are watching a swim race...and they are like "blah blah is working hard...makes a great turn...picking up speed...catching up...and finishes 7th...what a great race for blah blah...i'm sure blah blah is very proud...oh...btw, the U.S. got the gold, with australia the silver and china the bronze...now, back to blah blah in 7th."
so, i definitely miss watching about the U.S. athletes...as a bunch of them definitely appear to be interesting characters...but no commentary...oh well...
otherwise, there have been good U.K. athletes which I have rooted for and glad they won...but i really can't stand the fact that 3/4ths of the Team GB is "just glad to be here and am just enjoying the experience"...I hate it when athletes say that...absolutely hate it...so, they are basically saying that they never expected to win or even really be competitive...that just making it to the olympics was a dream come true...ok, so what if their personal best wouldn't even qualify for the semi-finals meaning that they had no chance before they even started...so what...the fact is be a competitor...be disappointed you lost...leave it all out there...anything can happen in sport...wipe that stupid smile off your face that you were happy that you came in 37th behind some country that nobody has ever heard of...because there is surely someone else out there that could have taken your spot from your country and would have probably wanted to win or at least believe that a win was possible...
i'm sorry...but only big fat losers say "i'm just glad to be here"...only people who come in 37th say that...only losers say that...
and i'm all for there being just one medal in the olympics...good ol' gold...because "winning" the silver medal really means that you lost...nobody remembers the person who won the silver...nobody...don't get me started on the bronze medal...
you both write in lower case, but I can tell it was waterloo posting as it was extra cynical. I kid, I kid.
I have to say we've been stuck to the tube all week watching Phelps win, and get all the gratuitous footage of him getting massages and re-arranging his, uh, junk. So, maybe the minimalist coverage is better, depending on who is watching ;)
bronze is second place loser
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