Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Guuuussssssssssss is the loneliest number...

This is the second time this year that we have left Gus to travel to another continent...

So, i'm in singapore with myra...not much to report other than i sat beside a smelly mo fo on the was a regular sized blonde chick...can you guess what european country she was from???...there is no such thing as female BO btw...BO is BO...

anyways, its really humid obviously here in singapore...i think it averages 85% humidity and is basically mid to high 80s year round since its just off the equator...but the first thing i realy noticed first here was how cold it was...because air conditioning is blasting everywhere...maybe cause i'm not used to it since there is no air conditioning in london...

the one thing i'm going to do here is eat...i've lost some weight recently, and its time to pack on the pounds and then some baby!

a quick preview..."my friend......friend's till the end..." (sung to the melody of "Hey Jude"...

ok...14-hour flight in economy...what a treat...i'm feeling that delirious, jet-lag feeling now...time to sleep...later reader.

1 comment:

Abby said...

im the singer of stupid songs, copy cat.

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