Monday, November 10, 2008

catching up on london. part deux.

so again, another post on what we've been up to since we moved here.

we took 2 day trips in august: 1st to windsor castle and the 2nd to bath (where we did not take a bath). i'll save bath for another post.

windsor castle was nice. i'm sure just the 1st of many castle visits while we're in europe. the queen was not in residence the weekend we visited, but at least the sun made a cameo appearance. we had fabulous weather and it made taking pictures that much nicer. well, at least during the morning it was sunny. looking thru our pictures just now, i remembered it turned cloudy in the afternoon. (what do you expect we took this day trip over 2 months ago). oopsie. near windsor castle is also eton college, the school that prince william attended. holla back!

anyways, it took about an hour to get out to windsor. we took a train, similar to the metra, where it was nicely ventilated and we had enough space to not be squished with other visitors. that is a great trip in europe as far as i'm concerned, since everything over here is so much more compact than at home.

when we got to the castle, we turned up our tourist meter and for the next few hours, listened intently to the audio tour, stopping at almost all the recommended stops. i think this is a sign that we're growing old. never before did audio tours entertain me as much as they do now.

here are a few of the better shots from the day. while we didn't see the queen mother, we did see a few things in the gift shop for gus (will we ever have a post here without mentioning our best friend? i think not.) we could have gotten him a doggie bowl that said 'prince'. or a collar bearing the same text. however, we didn't think we should spend 50 quid (equivalent to about 80 - 90 bones; pun intended) on our dog. hey, we're not that UCHM. anyways, enjoy the pics:



1 comment:

Unknown said...

UCHM - ha! you are the epitome of UCHM, baby! miss ya guys. no pics of singapore??? ps--the girls are walking now. yipee!

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