Monday, November 3, 2008

happy 2 year anniversary!

well, i can't believe it, but it's been 2 years since we met our little monster.
2 years since we drove out to delta cargo's pickup area at ohare.

2 years since we opened that tiny crate and i tried to coax a scared gustardo out onto to the seat of the car, and then into my lap at his new home:

2 years since he found his next favorite place to sit. my lap:

2 years since he found his next, next favorite place to lay out. our couch:

2 years since he found his most favorite friend and rough-houser. waterloo:

2 years since he perfected his poor face:
and 2 years since he became our favorite camera-ready subject:
happy 2 year anniversary to our little gus, gustardo, gonzo!

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