Friday, March 6, 2009


long time no post. i know, i've been mia. it's been a mix of working hard, playing hard, and then traveling or sleeping on weekends. what can i say, i'm leaving the blogging up to waterloo.

anyways, i don't have much to say right now. just that i have to post later about:
- our trip to ireland
- what i did during archie's boarding trip to austria
- brussels (crap) and then bruges (so lovely)
- signing up for the berlin marathon (woohoo!)

for now, i'll leave you with a little bit of our homelife with gus. a few months ago, we finally decided he could be outside of his crate when we're not home. it's easy over here since the dining area is a small 8X8 room or's also known as gus' room, because there are glass doors that we can close and block him from the rest of the flat. often when we come home, he is hiding/sleeping under his blanket and is almost always too scared to come out when he hears someone is home. when one of us calls out to him and he recognizes us, he becomes a monster and rises from the dead from under his cute. he's so not a watch dog, and his bark is defo worse than his bite. this little guy is scared of everything.

1 comment:

Abby said...

i love how his bed cushion is on the floor and not on his bed. too cute!

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