Tuesday, July 7, 2009

patring pet care center...huh???

ok...my dad is pretty bored at home...with my mom being in PI for the past 1.5 months...anyways, they are both very excited about having two dogs in the house very soon...so, my dad, being very bored at home, sent the following e-mail out to the family...what a big lu-zer.


The grand opening of PATRING PET CARE CENTER, LLC will be on July 20, 2009.

The Center is a gratis & non-profit care center. Pets will be treated with love & care. The facilities will provide: clean painted 2 door steel cage, 144 square feet of fully fenced playground, toys, background music and a spacious sleeping bed. Upon request, we will provide shower & walk out exercise. Water will be provided, but due to swine & bird flu and possibly diarrhea, food & treats not included.

Reservation in advance is mandatory.

Best Regards,
Pooh Collector
Patring Pet Care Center, LLC

1 comment:

Abby said...

these 2 pics need to be printed out and framed

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