Saturday, July 12, 2008

accidental sightseeing...

So, we checked out a flat up north...and decided to walk around the neighborhood...and ultimately towards Regents Park...we took the quickest route on the map which was down Abbey Road...after a few minutes, we discussed whether this was THE Abbey Road...we concluded that it wasn't as it was just an uninspiring road and there must be another Abbey Road somewhere in the just couldn't be it, you know what i mean...

of course after 10 minutes of walking, we were proved wrong...we took a pic of the studio...

Around the studio was a white fence in which people would write is a very recent one we found from the true filipino english...

and of course we walked across the famous crosswalk in front (pretty funny how many tourists were there waiting to walk across...truly annoying the driving locals)...since the album cover isn't quite ingrained in my head (and I couldn't stand in the middle of the street), I took a quick picture of it...

here is the real deal...

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