Monday, July 28, 2008

the "heat wave"...

so...we had no idea until we got here...but there is no air conditioning anywhere here...most office buildings have air conditioning but not all...most stores and restaurants have air conditioning but not all...and the majority of flats and houses appear to NOT have air conditioning including our flat...and there is no airconditioning at all on the TUBE!

obviously, the main reason is that during the "summer" rarely hits above 85 primarly stays in the 70-80 range. The issue is whenever it gets above is a freakin' sauna everywhere because the buildings here weren't really made for great circulation. So, electric fans are just blasting everywhere here...and the tube is a freakin' sweat shop...add another 10-15 degrees and the air temperature on the tube is near 90 to 95 with barely any air circulation...add the fact that everyone on the tube is wearing a suit and is crammed in like sardines...and it is sweaty and smelly mania...

so, people complain all the time that there is no real "summer" here...but i can't even imagine if it ever hit the Chicago summer where it hits 90 degrees constantly...if that ever happened, people would be keeling over on the tube and all around london...i now know why men carry handkerchiefs...its because they have to wipe the sweat off their brow...there are some professionals that get off the tube that are soaked in sweat and its only 8am...great way to start the day...

but that is the way off life...

i guess we'll get the benefits later because we don't have to experience the chicago winters...yech.

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