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Fear of Heights!
Okay…despite all the boarding I have done over the last five or so years…I still can’t ever shake my fear of heights…and being in Zermatt is as freaky a place as any to reinforce my fear…most of the time, we rode on gondolas and sky trams…which can go much much higher than a regular chair lift and usually bridge gaps through these big valleys and crevices (as I type this, my hands just started sweating profusely even thinking about how high we got)…the key is to really just look out in the distance to enjoy the view…but obviously, I always decide to just look straight down every minute or so, at which point my knees buckle a bit, my sweat glands work over time, and I try to figure out my escape route if the darn thing just snaps and falls to the ground (how do I save M? how do I save myself? Do we try to cushion the blow by trying to crowd against the fattest person on the tram? Should I cover my head? Should we use our boards as a sort of shield? If we fall, I hope we fall on a down slope or a place without jagged rocks…maybe a powder stack?)…anyways, this scenario plays itself out at least five times during every lift ride…
So, here are a couple of funny pics of m freaking out on a couple of the lifts…m isn’t generally afraid of heights, but this trip was an exception cause I definitely smelled fear…these pics are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!
my hands are sweating just reading this blog entry...ew.
classic last pic!
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