Sunday, March 15, 2009

getting fit...old skool...

okay...maybe i just don't want to pay for a gym membership...there are two nice full service gyms a couple of blocks from our flat...and also one a block away from work (right in m's building)...but memberships are too expensive here...and i don't feel like paying for a monthly pass just to work out 5 times the entire month...hehehe...

anyways, so, i bought one of those pull up bars that you can place on your doorway...and i also bought that perfect push up thingie as well...and i have a nice yoga mat for doing situps...oh yeah, i also have that wheel that you can roll while on your knees to strengthen your abs...anyways, so this isn't quite old skool...but close enough as i have no weights or cables or anything...

so, been doing this since january 1...part of the new year's resolution type of thing...just doing it regularly...not very hard core, but just regular once a week type of thing...and i am definitely noticing slow and steady results...i mean, i would definitely have progressed a lot faster if i had a gym membership hitting the free weights and machines, but this is just as good...i'm never going to get quite as ripped or anything because i don't have anything specific to target certain muscles...but the wonderful ups - pull ups, push ups, and sit ups definitely work and target most muscles in a very simple, it combats laziness of having to go into the gym...and i can watch tv...and hang out with gusieppe...

also, it is nice living in london near hyde park and kensington many places to run...nice, regent and hampstead heath are close, great places to need for treadmills...the only issue is that it usually doesn't rain inside a gym...

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