Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the Rock Pigeon...what a terror...

wiki says that "The species commonly referred to just as the "pigeon" is the feral Rock Pigeon, common in many cities."

so, there are definitely too many pigeons in dear ol' london...they are everywhere...many buildings put up spikes or pins on their ledges so that pigeons don't loiter...it works, but it makes the building look unappealing, which is definitely not the image that london wants to convey...clean walkways or ugly architectural add-on...tough choice...

anyways, you see the occasional car that mistakenly parked under a large overhanging tree...that was just absolutely obliterated by evil, spiteful, malicious pigeons...

however, my buddy at work has had the worst luck as of late...a couple of weeks ago, he went for a run around his house and a pigeon doo-dooed on his head...direct hit! direct hit!

then, yesterday, it was a bright day, so we decided to grab lunch and just eat it outside along the thames...we passed under a couple of trees to get to these benches and BAM! i was walking a few steps behind him and saw doo-doo land on his shoulder blade...it was a big ol' dump too...

obviously, i'm very cautious now when i spot a bunch of doo-doo on the ground...i immediately get out of the line of fire...never look up...never...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Solo pigeon shit doesn't sound too bad. I got shat on in San Francisco by a massive Seagull. After that first time of getting hit, the fear of looking up is gone.

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