ever since i started working, i've been putting in a lot of hours...my first three years, i had audit/tax busy season, and just worked all the time and hardly ever saw the light of day...then when i joined M&A, i worked even more and traveled a helluva lot...
for the last few springs, i remember getting this deja vu feeling...i'd come back from a business trip...from o'hare i'd take the blue line to the california stop...and start the two block walk home...in those two blocks, i would look up and think "where did all these leaves come from? what happened? I haven't been away for that long?"...then i would realize that i just never slowed down enough to bother...granted, the springs in chicago are short...it seems to go from winter directly into summer, but there is that short

so, being here for our first and likely only spring in london, its really very sweet...since i seriously work a lot less here, i get the chance to take gus for nice walks after work...and it feels like every tree lining the streets here is blooming with some sort of color...its pretty amazing...very picturesque...gus seems to like it...i think...
Amazing, so pretty! Although I would have thought that such a pink post would have been Myra's doing. ;)
take a hi-res pic and send it over to me...i need a new wallpaper for my desktop.
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