Tuesday, July 21, 2009

our ride to the countryside...

ok...so, over the weekend we drove down to kent (which isn't quite the countryside, but close enough when compared to the urban life of central london) to stay with a friend...it was definitely a quiet place which is "the country" to me...

Anyways, we rented a car to get there so we could bring Gus...we got hooked up with a car because they ran out of automatic compact cars with built-in SatNav systems when i got to the counter...so, they gave us the car to the right which was a pleasant surprise...

this was my second time driving, so i was definitely more comfortable driving on the WRONG side of the road...the roundabouts were a piece of cake, although there were moments where i probably should have waited a little longer...i was beeped at my fair share of times and i also did my fair share of beeping...i even exhibited road rage a couple of times when pedestrians would randomly cross the road in front of me or walk through the cross walk when i had a green light...profanity-laced tirades spewed from my mouth...

anyways, gus had a good ol' time in the back seat (although he never looks it!)...he hasn't truly ridden in the back seat of a car in a long time...
so, he did what he loves to do...he loves to stick his head out the window and let the wind blow his ears horizontal...its funny when i can see his head sticking out in my side view mirror...on our way home, the SatNav took us through our old neighborhood in Pimlico where we first lived for a month in corporate apartments before Gus arrived (see early blogs)...Gus had a good look at the place as we drove by...its funny how things eventually come full circle in life at unexpected times...

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