Sunday, July 12, 2009

tourists in london...not!!!

so, m and i have been all over europe in our travels both together and apart...have been to some of the coolest places and sights in europe...visited more famous museums and cathedrals that we've completely lost count...

the irony to all this is...we've been to almost zero museums and cathedrals here in london!

for example, we work right near St. Paul's Cathedral (the cathedral dome is basically in every london skyline photo) and have never taken a tour of the place...the only time i've ever been inside was to pay for my parents tickets so they could take a tour...

the only museum i could think of that i've been to in London was the National Maritime Museum!!! hahaha...and i don't know anybody that has ever been there or let alone has even heard of it...the only reason i entered was because i was taking my parents around Greenwich and we started wandering and just ran into, may as well enter since most of the museums in London are absolutely free...and it was a cool place! As far as I know, the only place m's ever been to is the National Gallery...

so, we work across from the famous Tate Modern...but never been inside...and we keep hearing about the wonderful British Museum, but still haven't made our way over there...even though its just a short walk from everywhere...never been inside Westminster Abbey...

its sunday night here and we had a free weekend to wander and visit these places...but NAH! TOO MANY TOURISTS! instead, we just enjoyed relaxing at home...playing video games...catching up with friends here and back in chicago...watching TV...doing our marathon training runs...and of course hanging out and walking Gus in the park...

so, i can honestly say that I haven't properly toured london like I have every other city in Europe that I've visited...but that's okay and perfectly fine...i haven't taken london for granted at all...i've just enjoyed the city as a resident...visiting places and experiencing things that tourists don't have time to do...because after our short stint here, we'll never be able to call this place home again...and since we plan on coming back to london many more times in the future, then at that point we can be proper tourists!

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