Wednesday, May 13, 2009

memorable quote...

the rents are leaving in a few hours and just wanted to memorialize a quick quote...

"its hard for me to understand what she is saying" - mom

so, one day last week the rents met us during our lunch break...m brought along one of her friends here...a true-blooded brit...we had a good ol' time with good ol' we were walking out, my mom pulls me to the side and tells me this (and i'm sure my dad wanted to say the same thing, but didn't have the courage to say it outloud like my mom)...and i of course tell everyone else and we have a good ol' laugh...its just funny how m and i have assimilated into this whole london thing...we can understand everyone pretty clearly now and its just normal to us...but at least we still speak with our wonderful chicago accents...with no tinge of british twang at all...


Unknown said...

i tried to watch an episode of The IT Crowd on the BBC. I had to turn it off since I couldn't understand any words they were saying.

Unknown said...

oh yeah, happy belated birthday, archie!

Abby said...

that's SOOOO mommy right there. hilarious!

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