Wednesday, August 5, 2009

gus meet bode...bode meet gus...

so, even though gus flew in a week before and stayed with my parents, we forbade my sister from bringing bode over until m and i were present...cause we wanted to be there for their monumental first meet and greet...gus and bode came from the same farm and may have come from the same parents...they may be brothers or maybe in half brothers...we don't really know because m and i failed to keep track of the names of gus' parents...sorry gus...forgive us...

anyways, we landed in the US on saturday, stayed overnight at my parents place with gus...and then my sister arrived with bode during brunch the next are a few pics of their encounter...we took tons of pics and videos...

here's one of bode first trying to sniff out gus...
here's another pic of them sniffing each other out...
after the initial sniffing out, a whole lot of running around ensued...leading to a lot of panting and drinking of, i decided to throw them into one cage so they could calm down...and was secretly hoping for "mad-max of the thunderdome"-style...a "two dog enter, one dog leave" type of event...but nada...they were so calm and studious looking...hilarious...

it was a fun morning and both dogs are so different...because gus is 3 years old and is definitely more mature and calm and likes his space...while bode is a typical puppy (almost 8 months old) and wants to play, play, play, and constantly tries to get into gus' face...quite an annoying little brother...

thanks mom for taking care of them this week...cause m and i need time to settle in and get our chicago life in order...and my sister is heading out of town this week...meaning that both dogs have been together ever since...craziness...

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