Monday, August 10, 2009

how much longer...hmmm???

so, this blog was initially set up by my significant other to write to my fellow americans about our misadventures, trials, and tribulations in bloody london...and it was definitely fun to write random things about random happenings...however, a couple of things have happened since then...1) my significant other stopped posting blogs many moons ago..and 2) we have moved back to chicago...

As such, the purpose of this blog has been, how much longer should i keep it up? At this point, maybe I should just keep it live until our running of the Berlin Marathon. Since we will be passing through London for a few days on our way to Berlin. It definitely will not go any further than that point.

The other reason to keep it up is that we haven't invited or shown this blog to any of our London friends unless of course they wisely searched for it on their own...I plan on inviting them soon (after I read the previous blogs of course to make sure I don't offend too many of them...oh who am I kidding...who cares!)...and maybe posting a few blogs until Berlin to keep the Old World up to date of how m and I are transitioning back to Chicago and how our lives are over here...since Chicago isn't exactly first on their list of holiday destinations...

stay tuned.

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